Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shiny Shiny Shiny Boots of Leather

I am tired. I am weary.
I could sleep for a thousand years.
A thousand dreams that would awake me,
Different colors made of tears.

(I only slept two hours last night...I'm a little sleepy.)
Anywho. Day two of printing. I haven't shot my Environmental Portrait assignment yet, so we were just practicing.


This is from a roll I shot at Thanksgiving in Arkansas. My mom, and Gramps, who passed away earlier this year.
The print could be more refined - I know the bottom right corner could us a little burning. I probably could have used a higher filter too, but, honestly, I don't mind it they way it is.


This is from the roll we shot last week in the park. Just athrowaway shot really -it was the last on the roll - but I liked it so I printed it. I did a test strip with the default 2 1/2 filter, and decided the image was a little flat, so I bumped it up to a 3. That was really all I had to do.

I shot few rolls the summer before freshman year and developed them about six months later. However, I hadn't been in the darkroom for an equitable amount of time, and I kind of screwed up the processing, so the negatives were really thin.
Still, I was a little attached to the pictures (though I could barely see them). I honestly really like how the print came out - it reminds me a bit of tint-type-y, old-fashioned processes (which I'm am quite a fan of).

(Oh, yes. They're all full frame - did you notice?

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